
SigTech's Git extension allows for files to be moved between the research environment and repository of a given workspace.

This ensures:

  • Files are backed-up

  • Version-control is enabled

  • Collaboration

Quick Git guide

If you're creating strategies on your own, you need to understand the following simple steps:

To pull changes from the repository into your research environment:

To push changes from your research environment to the repository:

Important notes

Avoid committing huge files to the workspace

Git performance will deteriorate if tracked files are over 25MB.

Push frequently to avoid losing work

Changes you make in the research environment aren't guaranteed to persist between sessions. Be sure to regularly push your changes to the repository.


The Git extension on the SigTech platform does not currently support merging of branches—users are discouraged from making commits to different branches, and are instead encouraged to only make commits to the master branch.

Harder for teams

Git is very easy to use if you're working alone—you just need to understand the simple steps in this page. If you are collaborating with others, make sure you carefully follow best practice—see our collaboration guide.

Detailed walkthrough

Locating the Git extension

The SigTech platform uses a Git extension to facilitate Git functionality in the user workspaces:

Pull latest changes

You should always pull the latest changes in the workspace-repository prior to committing any changes.

Add changed files

Changes to files can relate to:

  • New files, displayed in Untracked.

  • Changes to existing files, displayed in Changed.

A + sign is displayed if you hover your cursor over the changed file allows.

Click the + sign to add the file to Staged:

You can Unstage the file—this leads to the file either being Untracked or Changed, depending on whether the file was a new file or a modified file.

Commit changes

After you have performed all necessary changes to relevant files and added the files to Staged, the changes can be committed to the workspace-repository.

You will need to add a required summary of the changes and an optional description.

To commit the changes, click Commit:

Push changes

After you have committed the changes, push the changes to ensure version-control is applied and that the changes are displayed to collaborating users.

After you have pushed the changes to the workspace-repository the commit, with it's summary, is displayed in the History tab:

To view the recent commits in the workspace-repository, click the Files tab:

Last updated